Sendai Promotion Videos and Photos

Sendai Promotion Videos and Photos

We can provide videos and image data of Sendai for you to use at presentations for the convention.


It is possible to download data to use in presentations, convention web site, pamphlet, and poster making from ‘Sendai Photo Gallery’ site.

Sendai Promotion Videos

We can also provide MP4 data of Sendai (Japanese or English versions available.)
Please contact us if you would like to use the promotion video after watching the sample.

MICE Friendly City, SENDAI (English ver. / full length)

MICE Friendly City, SENDAI (Japanese ver. / full length)

MICE Friendly City, SENDAI (Digest ver. / 1 min)

MICE Friendly City, SENDAI (Digest ver. / 30 sec)

Hosting Environment (No narration)

Message from Mayor of Sendai (Japanese ver. w/English subtitles)

Message from Tohoku University President (Japanese ver. w/English subtitles)

“Japan Virtual Visit” Video Published by JNTO

JNTO (Japan National Tourism Organization) uploaded a “Virtual City Tour” of 10 cities in Japan, including Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture, on their global MICE website.
Please use it when introducing Sendai to people abroad or when promoting at the attraction stage.
(* Video data cannot be provided or edited.)

Japan Virtual Visit (Sendai Standard Ver.)

Japan Virtual Visit (Sendai Short Ver.)

Japan Virtual Vist (Sendai Short Ver.)


Sendai Tourism, Convention and International Association


Weekdays 9:00am-5:30pm
