文化観光施設割引券利用可能施設一覧(日本版) [ PDF:3.2MB ]Discount rates specific to each facility (Convention Rates) are offered to convention attendees and their
accompanying persons. Please hand it over at the ticket counter together with the admission fee.(Copies not
The information on these coupons is as of January, 2025.The admission fees may change, due to various reasons.
1仙台市博物館 Sendai City Museum | https://www.city.sendai.jp/museum/ |
2青葉城資料展示館 Aoba Castle Exhibition Hall | https://honmarukaikan.com/s/docs/tenji/ |
3伊達政宗公霊屋 瑞鳳殿 Zuihoden (Mausoleum of Date Masamune) |
https://www.zuihoden.com/ |
4カメイ美術館 Kamei Museum | https://kameimuseum.or.jp/ |
5仙台市歴史民俗資料館 Sendai City Museum of History and Folklore | https://www.sendai-c.ed.jp/~bunkazai/~rekimin/index.html |
6仙台文学館 Sendai Literature Museum | https://www.sendai-lit.jp/ |
7スリーエム仙台市科学館 3M Sendai City Science Museum | http://www.kagakukan.sendai-c.ed.jp/ |
8国宝 大崎八幡宮 Osaki Hachimangu Shrine | https://www.oosaki-hachiman.or.jp/ |
9八木山動物公園 YAGIYAMA ZOOLOGICAL PARK FUJISAKI NO MORI | https://www.city.sendai.jp/zoo/ |
10東北福祉大学芹沢銈介美術工芸館 Tohoku Fukushi University Serizawa Keisuke Art and Craft Museum | https://www.tfu.ac.jp/kogeikan/ |
1仙台市縄文の森広場 Sendai City Jomon Site Park | https://www.sendai-c.ed.jp/~bunkazai/~jyoumon/ |
2仙台市天文台 Sendai Astronomical Observatory | http://www.sendai-astro.jp/ |
3地底の森ミュージアム Sendai City Tomizawa Site Museum | https://www.sendai-c.ed.jp/~bunkazai/~chiteinomori/ |
4仙台万華鏡美術館 Sendai Kaleidoscopes Art Museum | https://sendaikaleidoscope.com/ |
5天守閣自然公園 小屋館跡庭園 Koyatate-ato Teien | https://akiu-sizen.co.jp/teien |
1東北歴史博物館 Tohoku History Museum | https://www.thm.pref.miyagi.jp/ |
2鹽竈神社博物館 Shiogama Shrine Museum | http://www.shiogamajinja.jp/museum/ |
3仙台うみの杜水族館 Sendai Umino-mori Aquarium | http://www.uminomori.jp/umino/index.html |
1観瀾亭松島博物館 Kanrantei Matsushima Museum | http://www.town.miyagi-matsushima.lg.jp/index.cfm/8,0,30,260,html |
2瑞巌寺 Zuiganji Temple | https://www.zuiganji.or.jp/ |
3円通院 Entsuin Temple | http://www.entuuin.or.jp/ |
4みちのく伊達政宗歴史館 Date Masamune Historical Museum | https://www.date-masamune.jp/ |
5藤田喬平ガラス美術館 Kyohei Fujita Museum of Glass | https://www.ichinobo.com/museum/ |
6丸文松島汽船 Marubun Matsushima Kisen Cruise | https://www.marubun-kisen.com/ |
7宮城県松島離宮 Miyagi Matsushima Rikyu | https://rikyu-m.com/ |
2025 | Apr. | 29 |
May. | 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 | |
Jul. | 21 | |
Aug. | 11 | |
Sep. | 15 , 23 | |
Oct. | 13 | |
Nov. | 3 , 23 , 24 | |
2026 | Jan. | 1 , 12 |
Feb. | 11 , 23 | |
Mar. | 20 |
Substiture Holiday